Modules (1-4)    $2485.00
: 4 days
Audience: Anyone needing to maintain or program CODESYS

Course Outline

Module 1

This module begins with an overview of the CODESYS system and IDE followed by the basic concepts of a CODESYS project. Next, communications and modes will be covered. The student will learn about devices that can be connected to a CODESYS PLC device and set up an example Profinet device in the class. Variables will be discussed and to conclude the module the student will connect variables to real I/O addresses.


  1. System Overview
  3. Project Overview
  4. Comms/Modes
  5. Hardware
  6. Variables
  7. Variable Mapping

Module 2

This module begins with the basics of ladder logic and then the student will be able to interpret the operation of programs using relay type instructions. Next, Editing Ladder is covered. The following lesson, the student will know what ST is, understand and organize Structured Text Basics and then how to edit ST and common layouts. To conclude the module, the student will learn forcing an input, an output, an analog value and how to change data in a variable.


  1. Ladder Logic Basics
  2. Relay Type Instructions
  3. Editing Ladder
  4. Structured Text Basics
  5. Editing Structured Text
  6. Forcing/Manipulating Data

Module 3

This module describes timers and counters and then moves on to arrays. The student will learn how to create an array and understand addressing within a multidimensional array. The next lesson will show the student how to understand instruction data types and to create user defined data types. The module concludes with selecting, configuring and interpreting compare and math instructions.

  1. Timers
  2. Counters
  3. Arrays
  4. Structs
  5. Compare and Math Instructions

Module 4

This module starts with a discussion of documentation and then the student will be able to interpret and edit program control instructions, as well as, creating and using functions. Next, the student will create and use their own Function Blocks. Tracing variables will be covered followed by searching and cross reference. The module concludes with a troubleshooting lesson where some of the tools and skills provided in other sections are reviewed

  1. Documentation
  2. Program Control and Functions
  3. Function Blocks
  4. Trace
  5. Searching and Cross Reference
  6. Troubleshooting

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